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Welding Equipments

Anti-Spatter Solution Sprayer

  • This unit, which atomizes and sprays anti-spatter solution, can spray the solution evenly and thinly into the nozzle orifice. The sprayed Nozzle Coat, which dries quickly due to the heat created at the nozzle after welding, forms an antispatter film.
  • Because this unit sprays the proper amount of anti-spatter solution, it prevents waste
    (approximately 3,000 sprays are possible per Nozzle Coat “1).
  • Recommended setting [air pressure 0.2 MPa, 0.5 second spray]
  • Accommodates nozzles within an external diameter range of 016 to 026.

*1: The recommended setting is based on our test data obtained under certain conditions. As such, it is not a guarantee, because the number of sprays can vary with the environment where the unit is used.

  • *To use the unit, you will need the dedicated anti-spatter solution “Nozzle Coat”. (One can is included for initial use.)
  • *The regulator and the bottle holder are optional equipment.

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